August 13-18, 2018
Webster Schroeder High School, Webster, NY
Giving jazz students a one-of-a-kind performance experience
The Rochester Workshop is an intensive, performance-oriented week of study for high school jazz musicians. Students rehearse and perform in a contemporary jazz ensemble, playing a comprehensive mix of music from different eras and styles. The workshop provides advanced students the chance to meet other like-minded students and to learn first-hand from experts of their instrument. The week is capped with a concert, to showcase what our students can accomplish.
The key feature of the workshop is the opportunity for students to learn directly from our clinicians. Each instrument section (saxes, trumpets, trombones, and rhythm) works with a professional musician, who will show them the ins and outs of their role in the ensemble. Each day, the clinicians play alongside the students, an invaluable experience for learning how to play in the style.
Students who will be in high school for the 2018-2019 year, or 2018 graduates are invited to apply. Enrollment in the workshop is limited. We accept only as many students as needed to fill the standard arrangement for jazz ensembles: five saxes, four trumpets, four trombones, piano, guitar, bass, and drums (two drummers for auxilliary/vibes). Auditions may be required as part of the application.
Daily Schedule:
Monday, August 13 through Friday, August 17
9:30-12:00 Morning ensemble rehearsal
12:00-1:00 Break for lunch
1:00-2:30 Sectional with clinicians
2:30-4:00 Afternoon ensemble rehearsal with clinicians
Saturday, August 18
4:00 Sound check
7:00 Concert